Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

IQFamilyTrack is signing up Driving Schools

Edit: IQFamilyTrack is back to signing up driving schools to all for parents and students to get a discounted rate while the student is in the driving school and for a period of time after that.  Please contact us to find out more information. IQFamilyTrack is now signing up driving schools to be able to…

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NHTSA Reports on Teenage Driving and GPS Tracking

NHTSA data shows that unaccompanied 16 and 17-year-olds crash nine times more often than adults. And when their parents are out of the car, seat belt use plummets to less than 40 percent of the national average. While the accident data shows that teens and their teenage passengers are by far the most accident-prone group, that…

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State Farm Data Shows That October Remains Most Dangerous Month Nationally for Teen Crashes

It seems that October is the most dangerous month for teen drivers.  The third week of October has been named National Teen Driver Safety Week by State Farm, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Congress. State Farm also has set up a teen driving website for more information about teen driving. 2017 Update: This updated link…

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